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Archive for May, 2012

Bespoke Fitted Granite Worktops for your Kitchen

Bookmark and Share Tuesday, May 29th, 2012

Like anyone, you will undoubtedly take a great amount of pride in your home and everything you choose to place inside it, so when you are choosing the worktops and surfaces for rooms such as the kitchen, you shouldn’t be settling for less but instead aiming for the absolute best in a material and installation which can really add the ‘wow’ factor and pay itself off each and every time you use it. Granite worktops are a timeless choice which will always enhance the look and feel of any room – and we at London Granite are the company that can provide you with the absolute height of bespoke style at an affordable price.

Feeling that everyone should be able to make the most of this material that has held its place as the top choice for beautiful worktops for years upon years, we at London Granite not only provide completely bespoke granite worktops to the highest standards – but we do so at the most affordable price to ensure you gain a worktop that matches what you have envisaged when you have planned your kitchen instead of one that pales in comparison, for a price that you can be happy with.

Depending on what you require this granite worktop for (whether it is in fact to be placed either side of your new range cookers, or in a completely different setting) we can manufacture your granite to meet every last requirement. This will begin with having your choice of a wide selection of different coloured granite, and then continue on to any specific details such as the appearance of the edges you are hoping for and how the worktop itself will be finished.

Once all this has been chosen and we have created your worktop from this strong, attractive and always appealing material, our skilled team can then fit the worktop inside your kitchen to leave it looking better than ever. If it is granite worktops you are looking for – look no further than London Granite.

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