{/literal} London Granite Provide Beautiful Granite Splashbacks | Granite Worktops

London Granite Provide Beautiful Granite Splashbacks

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Are you looking for that finishing touch for your new kitchen or bathroom? Add a beautiful splashback from London Granite to match your granite worktops. A splashback can add an extra dimension to your bathroom. It is your chance to add a bit of colour to your kitchen and give it an incredibly smooth and unique finish. A splashback is a truly stylish alternative to tiles and grouting.

Deciding what colour and finish to have for your granite worktops and splashback isn’t always an easy choice. London granite has stonemasons that are always available to offer professional advice to aid you in your decision. They pride themselves on the service they offer to their customers and the high quality granite that they provide. You can go to them with the colour and texture of the granite you have in mind and they will help you find the perfect stone for your kitchen or bathroom to suit your budget.

Why Choose Granite?

-    Granite worktops are available in so many different colours and textures and as it’s a natural product no two pieces are identical
-    With the correct care granite’s polished finish can last indefinitely
-    Granite is incredibly durable allowing you to put hot pots and pans straight onto the worktop
-    As long as it’s properly sealed granite is resistant to stains and very easy to care for
-    Having granite worktops in your home will increase the value of your house

So once you’ve decorated your kitchen or bathroom and given it that personal touch with pictures, ornaments and made to measure blinds, make sure you go to London Granite for your matching granite worktops and splashback to give your room a beautiful smooth finish that will last a lifetime.

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